Elie Krawczyk


Facebook introduces the “Call to Action” button


Facebook Call to Action Bouton

At the end of December, Facebook announced a new “Call to Action” button for Facebook pages. A “Call to action” button is a well-known marketing concept that allows the user to take an action (sign up, add to cart, click…) Facebook has just introduced this feature, so all pages can set up a button just to the left of the “Like” button on your page. You’ll have no choice in the action nomenclature, ranging for example from “Book now” to “Watch video”.

Facebook - Configuration du bouton
Facebook – “Call to action” setting

You can, of course, place the link of your choice behind the button. Facebook is also responding to companies who complain that their investment in Facebook is increasingly lost amid a sea of publications. For the moment, this feature is free, but we’d like to see the performance statistics for this kind of device. In any case, it’s a great way to boost conversions and increase leads… We recommend that you set it up on your page right away by visiting your Facebook page or reading the help.

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